Join. now.

how it works

  • Please Note*** This opportunity does require prompt attendance, a reliable smart phone, and driving around the cities of Northern Utah for each shift. Please read the following before applying. Once you are ready, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you. Make it so!

    Camp Domination, LLC operates like the Starfleet of the Federation. There are Commanders, Lieutenants, tasks given, and orders to be carried out. Hard work is rewarded and kindness is encouraged. We appreciate your time and commitment, always.

    Employment with Camp Domination, LLC is voluntary and at-will. Positions are not contracted and can be terminated at any time.

    …so the fine print.

    The Job…

    You will be asked to meet at different work sites in the greater Salt Lake Area which may include Deseret Industries, Goodwill, or other thrift stores in search of profitable inventory.

    (Way more fun than it sounds, no really!)

    Expect Teamwork

    You will be asked to work with other team members and leaders in a collaborative, cooperative environment and be trained on-site.

    (Cookies and cat videos are encouraged.)

    Attendance and Gas

    Work on-site requires prompt attendance. Gas will be reimbursed to-site up to 1.5 gallons from origin once hours are completed.

    (Don’t be late!)

    Smart Phone and Apps Required

    Each individual must bring their own smart phone capable of downloading the ScoutIQ and Amazon Seller apps- and each individual must have their own ride or carpool to site.

    (CHARGE your phones please!)

    The Pay

    All hires begin at $12/hr and may progress to $15/hr after a minimum of 40 hours are reached. Disbursements can be in Cash, Venmo, PayPal, or bank transfer.

    (Easy money.)

    The Requirements

    In order to stay in good standing, all Camp members will be asked to meet a minimum number of scans per work hour. Failure to meet scans required will result in dismissal from duty.

    (Scan scan scan...)


    Each week, hours and locations are planned and scheduled with Camp members on a rotational basis. Please be aware, multiple last minute cancellations will result in permanent dismissal from duty.

    (… just like a real job!)

    The Shifts

    There are two shifts available Monday through Saturday:

    • A morning shift beginning at 9 AM.

    • An afternoon shift beginning at 4 PM.

    Work at-site will take a maximum of 2 to 3 hours for up to 6 hours a week. Shifts begin promptly and do not include drive time to site.

    Then once you’re shift is completed, simply report to a team leader and you’re good to go!

    (Work. Leave. Get Paid Weekly.)

    …If we haven’t scared you off yet, you’re exactly who we’ve been searching for…

    Now continue reading! Engage!

  • And share them with your dad!

  • Upon completion of the form below one of our associates will contact you and schedule a short interview.

  • Interviews are designed to be quick and painless. Do you have a car? A phone? A reason to live?

    …then you may just be cut out for Domination.

Please read the fine print.